Friday, August 26, 2016

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Industry Advises Govt to relook Stainless Steel (QC) Order

Major metals and stainless steel industries associations, have said that they have urged the Steel Ministry to have a relook at the Stainless Steel products Quality Control (QC) Order, 2016.

As per reports, Industry bodies, Process Plant & Machinery Association of India (PPMAI) and the Metal and Stainless Steel Merchants Association (MASSMA) have said that the order do not cover over 60 per cent of most of the non-standard grades of stainless steel being produced and imported in the country.

As per reports, the Stainless Steel Products QC Order makes it mandatory to register with the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and prohibits manufacture, import, storage, sale and distribution of stainless steel products by trade and industry without such registration.

Commenting on the issue, an industry official told the media, "More than 60 per cent of stainless steel produced in the country includes non-standard flat products not conforming to American Standards for Testing of Materials (ASTM) or any other international standard or local BIS standard."

“Though the order seeks to ensure that the domestic and industrial users get quality products, however, over 60 per cent stainless steel (of 200 series with below 1 per cent Nickel) is used mostly by utensil makers, which is not covered under the QC Order or under IS Standards of BIS,” he added.


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